Empowering Communities, One Lid at a Time
Lids4Kids Australia addresses public welfare by advancing mental health and preventing or alleviating social isolation. In Canberra, we operate a Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB) for people to enjoy social inclusion and engage in meaningful volunteer work by recycling plastic bottle lids. We also deliver hands-on recycling education to schools and community groups in the ACT Region.
Lids4Kids Australia was founded as a grass-roots 100% volunteer project in May 2019 by Timothy Miller, a Canberra-based full-time house Dad with three boys under ten. When Tim enquired about where to drop off his thousands of plastic bottle lids, the ACT Government advised him that any piece of plastic smaller than a credit card can’t be recycled and had to go to landfill. Whilst Tim is a revhead owning 1950s Holdens his whole life, he’s also passionate about the environment, so he wanted to find an alternative.
A quick search led to Envision, a Victorian based not-for-profit who have many community projects supporting disadvantaged people and those with a disability. After discovering that Envision were turning plastic bottle lids into mobility aids for children, Tim decided to create Lids4Kids to help collect more lids. After ABC News posted a story about the plastic lid collection, it went viral on social media with over 800,000 views. The regional Lids4Kids Facebook groups receive hundreds more members each week, bringing together stakeholders to find new and innovative ways to help kids with lids!
Due to the overwhelming success of Lids4Kids, the 250,000 lid collection target was achieved within weeks and after several months over five million lids had been donated to Envision who quickly adapted and started producing many other recycled plastic products such as park benches, kitchen splashbacks and cubby house roof tiles. Rather than ending the collection, Tim and his volunteers agreed to keep going and register Lids4Kids Australia as its own environmental charity committed to rescuing every plastic bottle lid from going into landfill to protect our environment and benefit kids. Lids4Kids will partner with many other recycling plastic manufacturers to purpose lids into any sustainable recycled plastic projects to benefit the communities in which they were collected.
Lids4Kids is a registered Australian charity. Click here to see our organisational related documents.